My Sweet Girly-Girls

I have already blogged about two of my sweet girly-girls, my nieces, Michaelann (Sweet Pea) and Kaileigh Elizabeth(Kaileigh-bug). They are darlin’ girls and I am SO blessed that God has granted me the privilege of being their Aunt Sammi.

Michaelann has been my Sweet Pea now for almost 30 years. I knew from the first time I saw her, even though she was screaming her lungs out at the time and so red in the face she looked like her little head was about to explode, that she and I would always be close. I’m not the one who had the honor of giving birth to her, but in my heart, she is my girl-child. She and my knuckle-head boys are more like sister and brothers than cousins. I have always loved her as if she was mine and Ken did too.

Kailiegh-bug is seven-years-old and firmly grabbed hold of my heart the first time I took her in my arms. She became a part of our family during the time that Ken was sick, so unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to love on her as much as I would have liked to when she was little. But I try to make up for that now, every chance I get.

Now, there are two more little girly-girls in my life and in my heart. They are the daughters of my Sweet Pea and her husband, Adam Courington. Emily Michelle is five-years-old and Allison Rain just turned 6-months-old.

Emily was born the year after Ken died. She arrived just before Christmas in 2005, just a few months after we moved to AL. I have to be honest and say that this little girl is probably one of the few things that kept me breathing at that sorrowful time. Michaelann would bring Emily to the house a couple times a week and I would cuddle and play with her while Michaelann cleaned my house for me and, later on, went with Jesse and Benjamin for karate lessons. The sweetness of that precious baby girl touched my heart and began to help heal the broken places. Emily was instrumental in helping to bring back my joy. She has grown up hearing about her “Uncle Ken” and how much he would have loved her and how much he loved her Mama. She will say from time to time, “Aunt Sammi, will we see Uncle Ken when we go to heaven?” I assure that we will and she says she is glad because she loves him too. How precious.

Emily’s baby sister, Allison, made her appearance this past October. She reminds me how wonderful it is to have a baby around. While Emily looks more like their handsome Daddy, Allison is the image of my Sweet Pea. When that sweet baby looks at me she smiles with her whole face. Such a darlin’ little girl. I am so blessed to have another sweet little girly-girl in my life.

I think one of the reasons God put these girls in my life is so that I could buy all of the pink stuff I wanted to. While I love my boys with everything I am and have, buying stuff for boy children just isn’t as much fun as buying for girly-girls!

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