Surgery # 1

Surgery day started REAL early. My Mama, my brother, David, and my sweet niece, Michaelann, all came up to go to the hospital with us. Ken wasn't supposed to eat before surgery (not that he could) and I couldn't swallow around the lump in my throat, so there was no breakfast for us. I hope everyone else had something to eat. Since it was October, I'm sure it was probably dark when we got ready to go. Can't remember if the boys stayed home or went to school. David's wife was going to look after them for me that day. I had met with the principal at J & B's school to let her know what was going on. Told her that there would be days that the boys wouldn't be there or wouldn't have their homework done. She seemed very understanding.

We got to Erlanger and Ken and I had to go into the tiniest little room to meet with a woman who was not happy to be there so they could get Ken all signed in. I know that people have bad days, but we were sitting there SCARED TO DEATH. She could have at least smiled at us.

They took us back to a holding room and gave Ken one of those "beautiful" hospital gowns to put on. About the time he got changed, our pastor, Keith, came in. He told us everyone at church was praying for us. Then he told Ken that he had some oil with him and asked if we wanted him to annoint Ken before the surgery. We had never talked about it (it's not something you usually see in most Baptist churches), but we both blurted out, "Yes!" at the same time. Keith annointed Ken and prayed for three things. . . Guidance for the doctors, healing for Ken, and strength for me. It was such a precious and heartfelt prayer. God was in that room, of that you can be sure.

During the time we were waiting for them to take Ken to surgery, different family members came back one at a time. Finally they came and had Ken get on the gurney so they could take him to the operating suite. I held his hand to the door, showed him a picture of us and the boys taken a few months before, leaned down and whispered, "Don't forget--this is what we are fighting for." We kissed each other and they wheeled him down the hallway. I tried not to think about the fear I saw in his eyes.

The nurse showed me to the surgical waiting room, which by this time was filled with people. As I looked around, I realized that fully half of those waiting were there for US. My family, Ken's family, Keith and his wife, Joan, several members of our church family. . . even a couple of girls from the church Ken and I had attended previously (and were married in). They, by the way, were God's way of making sure we would laugh that day. Definitely comic relief.

Dr. Valle called to let me know that they were getting him prepped and he would have the nurse call when the actual surgery started. About an hour later, she called. We all settled in to wait. People came and went all morning. It was amazing how many people were thoughtful enough to either come by or call and let us know they were praying for us. Jayne (my best friend's sister) brought by a huge bag full of goodies--snacks, magazines, crossword puzzle books, tissues, etc. So sweet. I think I played a game of Scrabble with Michaelann and David. I listened to a Lyndle Randle CD. I talked with people off and on. But mostly, I watched the door.

After another two hours or so, Dr. Valle came in and told me that the surgery had gone well--the feeding tube was placed. Ken was in recovery and they would call when they were ready to take him to a room.

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