Happy Anniversary...Not So Much

Tomorrow is our 15th wedding anniversary. I wish Ken felt like celebrating. Blood work was okay -- WBC was a little high, but that's not unusual. He talked like he was going to church tonight, but the later it got, the worse he felt. He even asked for Lortab once today. The pain just gets worse and worse. NOT FAIR!!! :(
(Melinda's Journal, October 13, 2004)

The above entry actually ends with a HUGE frowning face drawn in lime green ink. Can't duplicate it here, but the little frown I put just didn't seem to convey the same depth of feeling as the actual one in my journal.

Happy Anniversary to us! The most exciting thing that happened was that I finished reading the Old Testament all the way through -- first time in my almost 46 years.

Ken had some errands to do, so I ran him around all morning. I had to stand pressed against his back to make sure he wouldn't fall. If I stepped one step away from him, he would start to sway. Ken was so tired when we got back home. I was hoping he could rest.

Ken's dad and uncle came over -- I thought to visit with Ken, so I made the mistake of leaving them all here while I went to the library for a while. Well, they took Ken and ran around ALL AFTERNOON. I think one of them must be buying a trailer and/or lot and they were running around trying to get that all taken care of. Put three Lunsfords in one room and they don't have a brain between them! I can't imagine why they thought keeping Ken out all afternoon was a good idea! And since they were gone all day, it looks like they could have taken him to the store to get me an anniversary card. But no -- only think about trailers and lots -- not your WIFE!
(Melinda's Journal, October 14, 2004)

The last part of the above entry sounds so mean, doesn't it? I was just so frustrated with them keeping Ken out all afternoon when he was so terribly weak and sick. And, all through our marriage, even though I knew Ken loved me, he always put his business before me unless it was something major like having his children or surgery or something. He didn't do it to be mean to me...it's just the way he was. I finally came to accept it, but it still hurt my feelings.

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