Sweet Sunshine in the Midst of the Storm

Several of the next journal entries mention a very important person in my life that I haven’t introduced yet, so this part of the story is dedicated to her.

Sometime during the time that Ken was sick and having treatments, my brother, David, and his wife became foster parents. Their very first foster child was a tiny little four-month-old girl with enormous brown eyes and the smile of an angel. Her name was Kaylie. Unfortunately, since Ken was so sick and we were so busy with his appointments/surgeries/treatments, we didn’t get to spend as much time getting to know Kaylie as I would have liked. Now, whenever I see pictures from when she was a little baby, I’m always surprised and saddened because I don’t remember much of it.

Kaylie came to David’s family as a “medically fragile” baby. She was on oxygen and would require at least one surgery on her heart. I think she was actually in the hospital the first time they met her. She took one look at David and smiled. The sitter from DHR said he was the first person since Kaylie had been taken into state custody she had ever smiled at. Of course, David was immediately and absolutely smitten.

Towards the end of Ken’s illness, Kaylie did have her heart surgery.

Kaylie has surgery tomorrow. I know David is a bundle of nerves. I’d go down and hold his hand, but Ken has blood work at 10:30. He’s also not been feeling well enough lately for me to leave him. I hope they understand. (Melinda’s Journal, September 21, 2004)

Kaylie’s surgery turned out to be more complicated than they had anticipated. One of the holes had closed by itself, but the big one was bigger than they thought. They repaired the other two, but during surgery, pressure built up in her little lungs. They decided not to close her chest – are leaving her under sedation tonight and will finish up in the morning. It sounds horrible – I’m trying not to worry. Praying lots. I’ll bet David is a big pile of mush. (Melinda’s Journal, September 22, 2004)

Kaylie is much improved. They’ve removed all but one of her chest tubes and her blood oxygenation is good. If she continues to improve, she could go home tomorrow or Tuesday. PRAISE GOD!! (Melinda’s Journal, September 26, 2004)

I am happy to say that the precious little angel baby we met as “Kaylie” is now my gorgeous, happy, healthy, snaggle-toothed six-year-old niece, “Kaileigh Elizabeth” (spelling changed at her adoption). I thank God every day for the joy she has brought our family. I love you, Kaileigh-Bug!!

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