Beauty From the Ashes

The night before Ken died, the most amazing thing happened. It involved his father and can only be described as miraculous. Ken’s father was unsaved. He never felt a need to go to church. Various ones through the years had witnessed to him. Even his grandchildren pleaded with him to come to Jesus. He would always listen politely, but would never admit his need for salvation. Sadly, most people had just given up on him ever being saved.

There were only two things that Ken cried about when he was sick. One was having to leave his boys and the other was that his father was lost. The thought of his dad not going to Heaven broke Ken’s heart. He talked to Pastor Keith about it, and being the godly man that he is, Keith took it as his personal mission to witness to Ken’s dad every time he saw him. He would listen, and even got to the point of admitting he was a sinner, but he always stopped just short of asking Jesus to save him.

Well, the night before Ken died, while we were gathered around his bed, Keith looked at Ken’s dad and told him he felt God leading him to witness to him one more time. Keith told Ken’s dad that Jesus loved him so much that he died on a sinner’s cross to be the sacrifice for his sins. Then Keith asked if he was ready to pray the sinner’s prayer and ask for forgiveness and salvation. I never would have believed it would happen, but that crusty, crochety old heart was finally touched by God’s everlasting love and Ken’s dad asked for Jesus to come into his heart. It was nothing less than amazing.

I leaned over and whispered in Ken’s ear, “It is okay now, Baby. Your daddy is going to see you in Heaven one day”. I don’t know if Ken heard or understood me. I believe with my whole heart, though, that when he told me earlier that he “wasn’t going anywhere”, it was because he couldn’t let go of this life until he knew his dad was alright.

I have often wondered if this was the sole purpose for Ken’s illness and death—his dad’s salvation. If it was, even though I would have preferred for God to find another way to accomplish His will in this situation, I praise Him all the same.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 NIV

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